Acupressure therapy is an alternative medicine technique similar in principle to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy’s which flows through “meridians” in the body.
Accupressure Therapy helps cure many medical conditions such as back pain, headaches, poor digestion, insomnia, poor eyesight and many more.
There are many accupressure points, which are known as acupoints or energy points on our hands and in the sole of our foot. These points are connected to the different organs of our body such as the heart the lungs, the liver etc. When the right amount of pressure is applied on this points they get stimulated and that helps open up blocked energy, when this energy flows smoothly in our body, the functions of the respective organs are improved..
For example, the acupressure sensory pressure point for the heart is located under the big toe. This means that squishy massage at this acupressure point can aid/ cure ailments and treat diseases of the heart.
It is a safe method of applying magnetic therapy to the body. It speeds the healing processes without any side effects.
Regardless of age and gender, a healthy, youthful appearance is what we all wish for. Pyramid Energy Mat combines acupressure (reflexology), magnet, and pyramid technologies, this therapy is durable and effective to refresh you, highly recommended by doctors all over the world!
Acupressure uses reflexology to cure all types of health problems just by walking. Acupressure Magnetic Therapy Mat acts as a ‘holistic healer’ and focuses on the ‘reflex points’ on the soles of the feet. It provides comfort and relaxation by inducing pressure that massages your foot when you walk on it.
The acupressure mat helps to stimulate blood circulation, oxygen flow to every part of the body and you will feel much more energetic and far less stressed.
These mats promote mental peace, which in turn results in a healthier body. They are fitted with strong bio-magnets, which help in improving blood circulation.
It helps your body to heal Itself!
Regular use of this Accupressure Therapy Mat will prevent or manage the following:
The acupressure mat helps to stimulate blood circulation, oxygen flow to every part of the body and you will feel much more energetic and far less stressed.
60% to 80% of doctor visits are related to stress?
Stress Reduction: Acupressure therapy mat lowers your body’s stress hormones eg. cortisol. It also helps release endorphins, which improve your mood and act as natural painkillers.
Improved Circulation: It improves heart pumps ,which circulate person’s blood around their body
Stimulated Nerve Function: Reflexology Magnetic Pyramidal Therapy Energy Mat helps in transmitting signals to and from different parts of the body. It improves the nervous system detects environmental changes, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events.
Improved Immune System: Acupressure Mat improve Immune System defence against infectious organisms and other invaders. It works together to protect the body immunity.
Increased Energy: It control stress. Stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy.
Just put this magnetic Acupressure pyramid mat on a plain surface and stand or match on it for 4-10 minutes (you can stand more time if you want to do) twice a daily.
While you stand on the pyramid mat, the best thing you can do is upper body exercises like arm rotation , waist rotation ,neck exercises or even rub your palms to each other (rub till you feel heat on palms).
If you are first timer to this device, you will feel prick on your feet sole, because your nerve points are weak at the time.
For soft / tender skin, put a thin cloth on the mat or wear a socks and then stand on it. Gradually you will find it very comfortable and by then you will feel renewed energy within you with a better health.
For best results drink warm water before you start each morning or night.
Magnetic Energy therapy is very safe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirm that static magnetic fields pose no health risks at all. No complications have ever been reported with its use.
Accupressure Magnetic Therapy Mat is a holistic healing method that eases stress and anxiety and aids in your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Plus, there are no side effects.
Truth be told, no one likes to live a limited life, but you can take care of it while you still can. A lot of pills into our body system also causes damages.
This magnetic therapy has worked for lots of people and it will work for you, all you have to do is just take the ACTION.
Generally, our daily lifestyle nowadays revolves around stress and it depreciates our body system from working the way it should, but daily use of the therapy mat will help our bodies to heal itself resulting in healthier and happier life.
We can take action and help our body now and not LATER.
So what are you waiting for? Why not give it a try. You have absolutely nothing to loose!
Promo Price N19,500
Magnetic pyramid foot mat is a simple and traditional health care tool designed with care and perfection, that will help keep you healthy. There is a saying “prevention is better than cure”. This phrase is what we need to apply in our lifestyle.
Competitive work space, work load , fast life , anxiety , depression extracts much from us. Addictive lifestyle , food habit has added some of the unwanted diseases to our body.
In day-to-day life if we can adopt some healthy procedures, health tools and holistic lifestyle to live fatal-diseases-free life. We may add some more healthy years to our lifespan.
Try Our ACCUPRESSURE PYRAMID THERAPY MATS with no risk and feel the difference for yourself!
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