Magnetic therapy is an alternative medicine that has been used for centuries just like Homeopathy, Acupuncture etc. Since ancient times, magnets have been used to help balance the body’s natural healing abilities.
It is a way to treat illnesses naturally by the use of a magnetic field to the human body. It is achieved by the application of therapeutic spot magnets or by the fashionable use of magnetic bracelets.
The strength of magnetic bracelets is usually measured in gauss. The greater the gauss, the more effective it will be in helping with health conditions.
Introducing the Copper Therapeutic Magnetic Bracelet, a unique piece of therapeutic bracelet that combines fashion and natural healing properties to help people heal their bodies naturally.
Made from high-quality copper, copper ions have antioxidant properties. Copper bracelet are designed to release small amounts of copper ions into the body, which helps reduce inflammation, promote healthy liver function; which can help protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, Copper Therapeutic Bracelet also help improve overall health by promoting better enhanced circulation and reducing inflammation throughout the body.
Copper bracelets have been used as alternative medicine in the traditional medicine for centuries, it has numerous health and wellness benefits. The body needs copper, and by wearing these therapeutic bracelets, particles of copper is absorbed by the skin, which boosts your copper intake.
The human body is made up of magnetic fields. The air around us contains magnetic force which we absorb. Modern day electrical equipment lessens the amount of magnetic force in the air.
Copper magnetic bracelets let your system absorb copper which is lacking in our soil and at the same time, the small magnets inserted in each end of the bracelet allow your body to absorb magnetism compensating for the loss of magnetic force in the air due to electrical interference e.g. Computers, Microwaves, High tension wires and all electrical appliances. Magnets in copper bracelets are bi polar or like a row of magnets set out end on end, these magnets are strong enough to penetrate the skin providing extra magnetic force to our bodies.
Copper magnetic bracelets which have trace elements of iron and zinc are a holistic and natural way of getting iron into the body. When worn on the wrist, the copper bracelet releases small amounts of copper ions into the body.
Wearing a copper bracelet provides a non-invasive and inexpensive way of healing the body without pills. These bracelets provide no known negative medical side effects.
This copper magnetic bracelet contains 6 Neodymium powerful magnets, which are capped and coated for extra protection. Each magnet used in this bracelet is a Neodymium magnet manufactured to the highest quality.
Copper magnetic bracelet is made of pure copper, 100% hypoallergenic, nickel free, lead free, and cadmium free. The bracelet has a brushed finish and protective coating for enhanced durability and anti-oxidation.
Magnetic therapy copper jewelry is made of 99.9% pure copper, not brass, not alloy, not stainless steel. The health benefits of copper relate to its anti-inflammatory actions that assist in reducing the symptoms of arthritis amongst other things.
Copper Magnetic Therapy Healing Bracelets Will Help
Pain from arthritis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, tendonitis, repetitive strain injury (rsi)
Stiff neck, whiplash, pinched nerves, frozen shoulder.
Pain, inflammation, and numbness in the neck, upper back, shoulders, arms, wrist, or hands.
Poor circulation associated with diabetes; cold hands and feet.
Migraine headaches, fatigue, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), stress, and anxiety.
Made with 3500 gauss rare earth magnets, this magnetic copper bracelet helps protect the bone, nervous and cardiovascular systems, pain relief arthritis. Reduce fatigue and muscle tension promote relaxation, reduce static electricity, and balanced sleep.
Truth be told, no one likes to live a limited life, but you can take care of it while you can. A lot of pills into our body system also causes damages.
This magnetic therapy has worked for lots of people and it will work for you, all you have to do is just take the ACTION.
Generally, our daily lifestyle nowadays revolves around technology and it depreciates our body system from working the way it should. The electromagnetic interference does a lot of harm. But we can take action and help out body with magnetic therapy now and not LATER.
Simply put, when there is blood circulation without any obstruction, you will enjoy a life of perfect health!
Our advanced magnetic bracelet is the perfect therapy for anyone looking to improve their DAILY well-being.
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